The Personalized Health Care Initiative of the US Health and Human Services can improve the safety, quality and effectiveness of healthcare for every patient in the US (See here; also check this site for Personalized Medicine). The purpose of this site is to provide users, particularly to those who are overweight/obese (check this site for more info) and suffering from related complications, such as, cardiovascular diseases and diabetes, with the tools and educational information necessary to make healthier decisions. Relevant software tools are available with this system. These tools allow a user to input his/her health records including data on height and weight to obtain system calculated BMI and BMR, diet, and physical activity. This system allows the users to record their daily nutrition intake. In addition, this system allows the users to search more than 7,000 food items to view their nutrition values. Furthermore, the user will be able to search, select, and record their physical activities based on the 300+ physical activities stored in the database. Moreover, this system accepts data from Bluetooth enabled health devices via Smartphones. Based on all these input, this system will generate reports, which can be visualized and accessed anytime using multiple devices including smartphones and tablets. These reports become the key to support a user’s decision on how to control weight and remain healthy by taking appropriate daily nutrition intake and performing physical activities.
In short, this system provides web-based tools and educational contents necessary for any user, whether healthy or suffering from chronic disease, to make healthy decisions throughout his/her life.
Features of this system include: